DOS message when I try IPCONFIG/RENEW is that the PC  is unable to contact your DHCP Server and has timed out.__
DOS message when I try IPCONFIG/RENEW is that the PC is unable to contact your DHCP Server and has timed out.I have a PC and a Mac Notebook that use wireless in my home office. The PC communicates with an Apple Airport Router to connect to the internet. This has worked fabulous for well over a year. I started having problems with Norton 2006. A file in Norton was corrupted. I then had trouble with acquring/renewing my IP address around that time too. Since then, Norton fixed my problem by uninstalling Norton 2006 and installing Norton 2010. Unfortunately, my PC still won't talk to my DHCP Server whether I go through Windows Repair or out into DOS. I get the same message. We also upgraded to Windows XP Service Pack 3 within the last couple of months. I have tried everything including Microsoft Fix It. My PC is the only computer having problems. MY ISP and D-Link are working fine. My signal strength is good and I don't have problems connecting to the house network just getting my PC to play nice with my DHCP and IP address. I have been messing with this for a couple of weeks now and read alot of online advice. The earlier events may not be connected but I wanted to give you as much info as possible.2 people need an answerI do too
December 1st, 2009 2:16am

Did you check DHCP under the services, Administrative tools sometimes it will be disabled
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January 12th, 2010 8:50am

Mom D, raaves thought to check the dhcp service is a good one, that has bitten me a few times. Something else you can try is to statically set the IP Address. Do you know how to do that? One other question for you is you mention that you had an Apple Airport Router, but you also mention a D-Link. Is the D-Link device a router switch or network card?Viza
January 12th, 2010 10:23pm

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